The maximum number of people per room or area will not exceed 1 person per 2 square metres of public space, where possible and practical.
Digital contact tracing (COVID-Safe Check-in QR Codes)
There will be a requirement for all attendees to check in via a venue QR code or contact register at the entrance of the race track venue.
The data collected by COVID-Safe Check-in is stored in a highly secure way, and can only be used by SA Health for contact tracing purposes. The data will be kept only for 28 days.
Physical distancing
There will be a requirement throughout the venue to maintain and encourage others to maintain the physical distancing principle of at least 1.5 metres separation, where possible (This does not apply to members of the same household, family members, and other regularly associating people who are attending as a group)
The venue layout has carefully been considered to comply with physical distancing (1.5m separation) and density requirements (1 person per 2 square metres) where practical.
Additional measures will also be taken for this event to assist with physical distancing i.e. barriers where queuing is likely, signage to remind patrons and floor markings where practical
COVID marshals will be monitoring the crowds throughout the day to ensure all comply with physical distancing requirements, with particular regard to areas where the public might congregate.
There will be frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection conducted, especially of touch-points
Bathrooms will be cleaned more frequently throughout the day
Hand sanitiser will be provided on entry and exit of the premises, and areas where you expect many people to be, or a high turnover of people.